The Buboltz African Swan, Episode 2
A few days ago there was a post on this site which someone called BS. Which I took to mean “Beautifully Said”. So Thank You!
But otherwise you should know that this previous post was fiction whereas this post is not fiction except as I type I wonder it that might not change as we find our way along.
As that post said I did have a little shop downtown in our little town and it was fine in that I didn’t lose my mind sitting there waiting for customers as I also had a printing business that supplied a local company. This occupied most of my time because there were few customers. This effort was “chalked up” in the “well that didn’t work” category and I moved on to other things.
During the time that little art gallery was open this picture was a source of entertainment for me because I would give it to people and tell them that it was of local swans who we have here that raise their young from cocoons.
Sometimes I’d say, “As you know swan’s raise their young from cocoons”. The other swan was the male who guarded the nest. And then just be quiet. (Yes it is possible I can be quiet and often am, especially between 11PM and about 6:30AM).
It was surprising the number of people who would study the picture. If they were a couple or a group there would be discussion among them. Usually they talked quietly trying to figure out if that old man was “off is rocker” or if this was real… or what.
I’d let them talk it over and then eventually tell them it was not a real picture and I’d made it from a glass blower’s art exhibit where they took big glass bulbs and put them alongside the river bank as an art exhibit. That is true as unlikely as it might seem. It was only a small part of a larger exhibit.
Then I “Photoshopped” in the other, guard swan swimming.
It was a lot of fun.
And now you know (as Paul Harvey would have said), the rest of the story.