Why is it that the world's Elite Environmentalist are objectionable to cows, oil, internal combustion, and a whole host of things that for generations have been considered normal...
BUT they never object to war.
Exploding bombs cause environmental damage. Crumbled building, devastated landscapes, poisoned waterways - if caused by war - are all okay - apparently - because no objections are ever noted.
I can hear someone say that this argument is insensitive to the more important issue of the loss of human life. Fair enough.
What about the loss of life we gave as we phase out traditional protein foods for lab grown "meat"? Or the loss of life due to exposure to cold since we we won't be heating our homes with fossil fuels? Loss of life is loss of life.
"For whom does the bell toll... It tolls for thee", says our elite... "But not for me."
©David L Arment